Uterus Transplant In India

Uterus Transplant In India

One of the most coveted phases in a woman’s life is motherhood. Not everyone, however, has the good fortune to conceive naturally. More than a quarter of American women struggle with infertility. 33% of women worldwide experience general infertility, which makes it difficult for them to get pregnant.

There are several solutions for preventing sterility thanks to the advancements in science, research, and technology. Examples include surrogacy, in-vitro fertilization (IVF), and test-tube children. However, the stability and health of a woman’s womb or uterus are prerequisites for all of these procedures. If the disease represents the lack of the cervix or a weak uterus that cannot carry the fetus till birth, none of the artificial pregnancy treatments are successful.

A new revolution in reproductive treatments has evolved as a result of continued scientific research and the growth in infertility problems in recent years. Similar to earlier organ transplants, doctors in India came up with the concept of uterus transplants.


Uterus transplantation: What is it?

The donor’s uterus is first removed to begin the uterine transplant operation. In this surgical treatment, a patient’s damaged or absent uterus is replaced with a healthy one. In India, uterine transplants are used to treat infertility.

A uterus transplant can be carried out following a hysterectomy due to an injury, an infection, uterine cancer, or other medical conditions. The fetus must be fed by the uterus until it is prepared for birth. Uterus transplanting facilitates childbirth.

The method tries to assist women who are absolutely infertile due to uterine factors. Absolute uterine factor infertility is brought on by either the surgical removal of the uterus or the presence of a non-functioning uterus.

All women must freeze their eggs prior to receiving a uterus transplant. After the procedure, they will have to wait a year before having in vitro fertilization. To avoid overstressing the transplanted uterus, fertilized eggs will be implanted one at a time until pregnancy occurs, and the ladies will give birth via cesarean section. The women will be subject to the typical hazards of organ transplantation, including bleeding and infection. They will receive antirejection medications as long as the uterus is still in place. After giving birth, the uterus is removed.

Find out about facilities in India that specialize in uterus transplants and offer lower costs. India has a wide range of uterine transplant prices. Finding the best surgeon in India for a uterine transplant is crucial. Finding the greatest medical care and speciality treatments from India’s top transplant surgeons is made easier with the aid of Medsurge India. Many Indian hospitals and clinics have gained enormous international recognition. International patients will choose Tier-one cities like Bangalore, Chennai, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Mumbai, Delhi, Mangalore, Kochi, Jaipur, and Pune for surgery or treatment.


In India, who is the ideal candidate for uterus transplantation?

If a woman in India passes the requirements listed below, she can get a transplant to replace her missing or damaged uterus:

  • Due to uterine factor infertility, the lady is infertile.
  • The woman is between the ages of 20 and 40 and doesn’t have any ongoing or recurrent cancer.
  • Her body mass index (BMI) is healthy.
  • HIV or Hepatitis C are not present as current illnesses in her body.
  • Lady has not yet received a diabetes diagnosis.
  • She does not use tobacco.

Who is eligible to donate a uterus for transplant in India?

A thorough screening procedure must be completed before a person is approved to donate their uterus. The donor can be a female who has passed away or is still alive and has a strong genetic affinity for the patient. In India, a woman needs to satisfy the following requirements in order to be a uterus donor:

  • There is no continuous or recurring cancer in your body between the ages of 30 and 50.
  • A healthy body mass index (BMI) is maintained, as is the absence of any active illnesses including HIV,
  • Hepatitis C, and others.
  • Diabetes and hypertension are not present.
  • An abstainer

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