Upper Eyelid Surgery

Upper eyelid surgery – what is it?

‘Pouches’ from above the eyes are removed during upper eyelid surgery, also referred to as blepharoplasty. ‘Hooded’ eyelids are a result of the skin losing its flexibility as we age. Surgery on the upper eyelids makes eyes appear younger and more vibrant.

Who is helped by surgery on the upper eyelids?

The majority of patients seeking upper eyelid surgery are in their mid- to late-thirties or older. However, younger patients may want to think about getting the operation because droopy eyelids might be a genetic facial trait.

Your eligibility for eyelid surgery will need to be determined by an ophthalmologist because certain candidates may not be eligible, albeit this will depend on the individual.


Upper eyelid surgery often takes up to three hours and is done under local anesthesia. The upper eyelid’s natural crease will be cut along, and the skin and tissue will be separated. After that, extra skin and fat are removed, and the wound is stitched up.

Recuperation time

Following upper eyelid surgery, you will need to rest for around 7 to 10 days while keeping the eye area as clean as possible (your surgeon will give you advice on this) and elevating your head when you are lying down. The vision could still be a little bit fuzzy once the bandages are taken off, but it will soon become clear. If sutures need to be removed, they will be done so within a few days (unless they are dissolvable), but you should take a week off of work. For a week, you shouldn’t wear makeup, and for two weeks, you shouldn’t wear contacts. Bruising, swelling, dry, itchy eyes, and blurred vision are all potential adverse effects after uper eyelid surgery, but they will all go away in a few weeks.


Upper eyelid surgery carries some hazards, including harm to the eyeball, blindness that is either partial or whole, bleeding under the skin, infection, blood clot formation, asymmetry of the eyes, and a sunken appearance if too much skin or fat has been removed. If you have certain diseases, such as Graves’ disease or dry eye, you can be more vulnerable.

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Dr. Puneet Girdhar

Dr. Puneet Girdhar

Dr. Puneet Girdhar Specialty: Orthopedics Spine Surgery Designation: Principal Director & Head Orthopedics Spine Surgery Experience:

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