Spinal Cord Stimulation Treatment in India

Spinal cord stimulators are medical devices that are used to treat chronic pain. These tools are capable of treating various pain problems, pain types, and pain origins. Spinal cord stimulators can cure pain that hasn’t improved with traditional therapies, but there are drawbacks and potential hazards. Chronic pain develops when the body’s normal response to an injury persists for longer than it should. This pain no longer shields the body from harm, but instead becomes harmful on its own. Chronic pain can make it difficult to work, eat, exercise, or perform other daily tasks. A person’s vitality may be depleted as a result, which may contribute to other chronic health problems like depression and weight gain as well as troubles from abusing opioids. The body and brain are constantly communicating with one another via nerve signals. Making someone aware of an issue can help prevent harm. Unfortunately, when there is no injury, nerve damage can lead them to convey pain signals to the brain. Spinal cord stimulation can prevent these impulses from getting to the brain. Spinal cord stimulation is a technique used by doctors in India to provide patients with comfort and assistance with daily tasks.

India has one of the lowest spinal cord stimulation costs when compared to other developed nations. The skill of the neurosurgeon and physiatrist as well as the cutting-edge medical technology employed at Indian institutes may be partially responsible for the achievement. Along with these benefits, India is extremely popular due to its inexpensive costs without sacrificing clinical standards.

A spinal cord stimulation is what?

A spinal cord stimulator (SCS) device is surgically implanted under your skin and delivers a little electric current to your spinal cord. Thin cables that are connected to a pulse generator deliver current to the spinal cord’s nerve fibers. When activated, the SCS stimulates the nerves in the area where you feel pain. Pain is reduced because the electrical pulses change and prevent the pain signal from reaching your brain. Some SCS devices use a low-frequency current to replace pain with paresthesia, a light tingling sensation. Other SCS devices use high-frequency or burst pulses to mask pain without tingling. Most devices have a paresthesia-free mode.

Some people don’t react well to stimuli. Some people might not find the sensation appealing. Some people’s discomfort might not completely disappear. For these reasons, a trial stimulation enables you to try it out for a week. If the trial wires don’t help you and hurt your spinal cord or nerves, they can be removed.

There are various SCS device system configurations. But they all have three essential elements:

  • The pulses are created using a battery and an electrical pulse generator.
  • Several electrodes and a lead line send electrical pulses to the spinal cord (8–32).
  • A portable remote control that can be used to turn the device on and off and modify settings.

What does spinal cord stimulation accomplish?

Spinal cord stimulation is most commonly employed when nonsurgical pain treatment options are inadequate. Spinal cord stimulators can be used to treat or manage a variety of chronic pain conditions, including:

  • Angina that is unresponsive to various therapies
  • Injuries involving the spine
  • Damaging the nerves (such as severe diabetic neuropathy and neuropathy brought on by radiation, surgery, or chemotherapy for cancer)
  • Vascular condition of the extremities
  • Complex regional pain syndrome
  • Discomfort upon amputation
  • Visceral abdominal ache and perineal pain
  • Back pain, particularly chronic post-operative back pain (failed back surgery syndrome)
  • Pain after surgery
  • Arachnoiditis (painful inflammation of the arachnoid, a thin membrane covering the brain and spinal cord) is a condition in which the arachnoid becomes inflamed and causes pain.

Spinal cord stimulation has been shown to improve overall health, encourage sound sleep, and reduce the need for painkillers. It frequently coexists alongside other methods of pain relief, including medication, exercise, physical therapy, and relaxation techniques.


Why is India the Number One Location for Spinal Cord Stimulation?

The incredible growth of medical tourism in India over the last few years is evidence of how far the industry has come. One of the industries that has contributed the most to revenue and is expanding swiftly is healthcare. The healthcare industry is supported by both governmental and private organizations.

Spinal cord stimulation therapy is the most effective way to block pain impulses before they reach the brain. Since it is a little device that is surgically placed beneath your skin, the price of spinal cord stimulators in India is lower than in any other nation. It sends mild electrical pulses to the spinal cord. The nerves that detect pain are stimulated. When the device alters and masks the pain signals, you feel less pain. Although it doesn’t remove the underlying source of the pain, it does improve your ability to manage it. It might be a good option if there is no relief from the chronic pain you have in your arms, legs, or back.

In terms of medical tourism, India has an advantage over other nations due of the following:

  • Most of the medical staff members employed by Indian hospitals have completed their training at hospitals in the US, Europe, or other wealthy nations.
  • The vast majority of medical practitioners are proficient in English.
  • Large international corporations provide cutting-edge medical and diagnostic technologies to many of
  • India’s leading hospitals.
  • India is home to some of the world’s top nurses. The majority of India’s over 1000 certified nursing training programs, which are associated with teaching hospitals, graduate close to 10,000 nurses annually.
  • Travelers of all budgets can afford first-rate services and luxurious accommodations.

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