Sickle Cell Anemia Treatment In India

A sickle cell disorder is sickle cell anemia. This congenital red blood cell condition prevents the body’s red blood cells from carrying oxygen to all parts of the body. Because they are rounded, typical red blood cells may flow through blood veins with ease. The disease’s name comes from the aberrant ones, which are crescent- or sickle-shaped. The blood cells have a difficult time moving around inside circular blood arteries because of their unique form. As a result, the blood’s ability to carry oxygen dramatically declines.

The defective gene is passed on to the cells by the patient’s parents, who also have the condition. However, because the disease is recessive in their bodies but active in the body of their ward, the parents need not always exhibit any symptoms or signs of the illness.

The cost of treating sickle cell anemia in India is less expensive than it is in the US, Russia, or the UK. Patients seeking treatment for sickle cell anemia in India have access to the best facilities, which offer affordable healthcare plans, top-notch medical equipment, and the assurance of top-notch medical staff.


Sickle Cell Anemia: Definition

Hemoglobin, a protein found in red blood cells that is crucial for transporting oxygen throughout the body, is abnormal in sickle cell anemia patients. This illness is caused by the inheritance of two defective hemoglobin genes from each parent. Sickle hemoglobin is the name of this type of hemoglobin. Based on this, there are several different forms of sickle cell disease:

  • Thalassemia SB0 hemoglobin.
  • Thalassemia with SB+ hemoglobin.
  • SC hemoglobin
  • SD for hemoglobin
  • SE hemoglobin
  • SS hemoglobin

At least one of the two defective cells drives the body to produce hemoglobin S in all of the sickle cell disorders mentioned above. However, sickle cell anemia is the name for the condition that results when both inherited genes are altered and the cell contains hemoglobin SS. It is among the most prevalent sickle cell conditions. Haemoglobin SC and Haemoglobin SB are additional frequent disorders. Both rare and uncommon, hemoglobin SD and hemoglobin SE are illnesses.


Learn About The Symptoms And Signs

The primary warning signs or symptoms don’t appear until five to six months following birth. Some children with this disease may begin to exhibit symptoms quite early in life, while others may do so much later. The following are children’s very first signs and symptoms:


  • The eyes’ yellowness, jaundice.
  • Swelling of the feet and hands.
  • Anemia symptoms, such as excessive fatigue and exhaustion.
  • Difficulties, such infections.
  • Sluggish growth
  • Pain crises are episodes of pain.

With the exception of crises, most sickle cell anemia patients are pain-free in children; nevertheless, in teens and adults, the pain worsens and intensifies. The discomfort may last a lifetime and be chronic. Due to defective red blood cells and their diminished ability to transport oxygen throughout the body, this disease gradually damages different organs of the body. This is the primary cause of the organs losing oxygen-rich blood, which leads to eventual organ damage.

The patient’s spleen, liver, kidneys, eyes, heart, brain, bones, joints, or skin are just a few of the organs that this illness may affect.


What To Look For In A Disease Diagnosis

By looking at the patient’s blood samples, the condition can be diagnosed. Hemoglobin electrophoresis is used to diagnose this condition and establishes the presence of a mutant hemoglobin gene. If the blood cell has the sickle form, the person either has the disease or is a carrier of the mutant gene.

In this situation, screening tests can be quite helpful. It informs the person if they are a carrier of the mutant hemoglobin gene and have the potential to pass it on to their own offspring. This may also be referred to as a screening test for prevention.

To find the illness in a newborn, a screening test is performed. If this test yields a positive result, it is repeated together with further tests to identify the precise type of hemoglobin cell mutation. In certain situations, the child’s parents are contacted personally to inform them of the outcome. To determine whether the infant has an aberrant hemoglobin characteristic, a newborn screening test is performed.

It is also possible to diagnose this illness through prenatal screening, which is done before the baby is born. The amniotic fluid around the embryo is sampled for this test, or tissue is extracted from the placenta, which is the organ that connects the umbilical cord to the mother’s womb. This examination can be carried out as early as 8 to 10 weeks into the pregnancy.

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