Salpingectomy Surgery In India

Salpingectomy Surgery

Salpingectomy Surgery

Through a salpingectomy, one or both fallopian tubes can be surgically removed. The fallopian tubes are the passageways by which eggs can travel from the ovaries to the uterus. A salpingectomy could be necessary due to infection or ectopic pregnancy.

To permanently end conception or lower their risk of getting ovarian cancer, some women choose to have both fallopian tubes removed. According to recent studies, rather than the ovaries, the majority of ovarian malignancies most likely manifest as tiny tumors in the fallopian tubes.

Pre-examination, surgery, and other fees are all included in the price of salpingectomy surgery in India, which is comparably cheaper than the price of surgery in many other nations. Both the sophisticated medical equipment used in Indian hospitals and the proficiency of the surgeons are somewhat responsible for the success. In addition to these benefits, the low cost of salpingectomy surgery in India without sacrificing clinical standards is a significant component in the country’s attraction on a global scale.


Salpingectomy: What is it?

Translation: a salpingectomy removes the fallopian tubes. Fallopian tubes, hollow organs that connect the ovaries and uterus, are the conduits via which eggs travel. One or both fallopian tubes may be entirely removed during surgery, or only a piece of one or both may be removed.

What Kinds of Salpingectomies Are There?

One or both of your fallopian tubes may be removed simultaneously. The two main types of salpingectomy are:

  • One fallopian tube is left in place during a unilateral salpingectomy. You still have one fallopian tube that works, so you might be able to conceive
  • Both fallopian tubes are removed during a bilateral salpingectomy. You would not be able to conceive naturally, but IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) is an option if you wish to become pregnant while still having a uterus.

You have the option to have the tube completely removed (full salpingectomy) or only part of it. For sterilization, either a partial or full bilateral salpingectomy is appropriate. When an operation is necessary due to a medical condition, the entire fallopian tube is frequently removed.


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