Rotational Angioplasty In India

A tiny drill is inserted during rotation angioplasty, a common and safe method of treating coronary artery disease. During rotation angioplasty, a special catheter with an acorn-shaped, diamond-coated tip is guided to the location of the constriction in your coronary artery. The tip spins swiftly as it grinds away at the arterial wall plaque. The small particles are flushed out of your bloodstream.

In India, a rotating tool called a “Rotablator” is used to dislodge plaque that is obstructing a coronary artery during rotational angioplasty. It is a specific method used in conjunction with percutaneous coronary intervention using a catheter to treat complex coronary artery disease. This treatment is administered by a licensed physician and calls for specific skills.

The cost of rotational angioplasty in India is affordable when compared to other industrialized countries. The cost of therapy varies depending on the facility type and the seriousness of the heart blockage.


What is an arthrectomy?

Atherectomy is the term used in India to describe the removal or excision of an atheroma. An abnormal fat buildup with a fibrous covering on the blood vessel wall is called an atheroma. As the amount of stored fat increases, the blood arteries gradually get more constricted. This affects the blood flow to the tissue or organ that it supports. As a result, a condition known as “atherosclerosis” appears. If this condition develops in blood vessels like the coronary arteries, which supply the heart, it may be dangerous.

Using a catheter and a device with a specific tip, the atherectomy procedure in India delicately removes the accumulated plaque. Fat, cholesterol, calcium, cellular waste, and fibrin (a chemical linked to blood clotting) buildup in blood vessel walls can result in plaque formation. A catheter is a tiny tube that can be inserted into the body to treat illnesses or carry out surgeries. A peripheral artery, such as the femoral artery, is used to introduce the catheter before it is advanced into the affected blood vessel.


What Kinds of Atherectomy are There?

Depending on the kind of instrument connected to the catheter to remove plaque, there are many types of atherectomy, including:

1.Directional atherectomy: A cutting point on the catheter is used to carefully scrape the plaque away. A separate area of the catheter is used to collect and remove plaque pieces. These tools should only be used on peripheral blood vessels.

2. Laser atherectomy: To alter or melt the plaque material, the catheter tip is fitted with a device that emits a high-energy laser.

3. Rotational atherectomy: To reduce the plaque to powder, the catheter has a cutting tip that spins rapidly. After then, the bloodstream safely flushes the powder away.

4.Orbital Atherectomy: This is the most modern method, which makes use of a high-speed rotational device with a modified tip that is comparable to rotational atherectomy.



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