Root Canal Treatment In India

What exactly is root canal therapy?

Endodontic treatment, also referred to as root canal therapy, is a process to remove ‘pulp’ that has been harmed or degenerated. The blood and nerve supply that extends into the tooth’s root canal is referred to as “pulp” in this context. During the root canal procedure, the canal’s deterioration is removed, and it is then filled in.

Who can gain from receiving a root canal?

The best option for someone whose pulp has been injured or infected is typically root canal therapy. This might be the result of a dental cavity that went untreated and allowed the infection to eventually seep into the pulp. Other causes include the pulp in the tooth being injured or being subjected to numerous dental operations. Root canal therapy may also be required as a result of gum disease.


A local anesthetic is typically used during root canal therapy. Any pulp that has degenerated is removed after drilling a hole through the tooth. Following that, the root is cleansed, measured, and enlarged to accommodate the filler. Once the tooth has been filled, it is either given a permanent filling (if you don’t need a second appointment) or a temporary filling. Depending on how much of the tooth structure has decayed, a crown may also be placed on the tooth’s surface to help protect it. The permanent filling is used to seal the tooth together. Depending on which teeth are impacted and how many, you might need to have treatment over a number of appointments.

Recuperation time

There shouldn’t be any more pain after your root canal procedure, although your tooth can be sensitive for a few days and you might feel some swelling (you can use medicines for this). It’s crucial to practice good oral hygiene and refrain from biting down firmly on the tooth for a short period of time after your root canal procedure. Your dentist will keep an eye on your tooth to ensure that it is recovering properly.


Following a root canal procedure, complications can include bleeding, swelling, pain, infection, and insufficient root canal treatment, necessitating a second procedure.

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Dr. Puneet Girdhar

Dr. Puneet Girdhar

Dr. Puneet Girdhar Specialty: Orthopedics Spine Surgery Designation: Principal Director & Head Orthopedics Spine Surgery Experience:

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