Pectoral Implants In India

Pectoral Implants In India

Pectoral implants: What are they?

Ankle joint replacement, commonly known as ankle arthroplasty, is a surgical operation used to replace injured ankle joint components using prosthetics.

Pectoral implants are useful for whom?

Men who believe they cannot build the desired chest muscles through training may benefit from pectoral implants. The implants can increase self-confidence while creating the appearance of bigger, harder pectoral muscles. Additionally, they can aid in the correction of inherited flaws (such as spina bifida) and muscle loss brought on by trauma, which may have resulted in asymmetry in the patient’s muscles.


Under local or general anesthesia, pectoral implant surgery might take up to two hours per implant. In the armpit, a pocket is produced by making one or perhaps two incisions. The incisions are then stitched up once the silicon implant has been placed. Endoscopic surgery (using a tiny camera mounted on a tube for improved precision) can also be used to do pectoral implant surgery. The muscles in the chest or stitches (which may occasionally dissolve) will hold the implants in place.

Recuperation time

After bandages are placed, patients should be able to leave the hospital the same day as their surgery (drains may occasionally be left in the wounds to clear fluid buildup, but they will be taken out a few days later). For about a month, you should stay away from demanding tasks, and you should take painkillers to ease any discomfort.


include bleeding, fluid accumulation, muscle damage, visible scarring, nerve damage, implant movement, infection, and asymmetry.



Pectoral Implants In India

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Dr. Puneet Girdhar

Dr. Puneet Girdhar

Dr. Puneet Girdhar Specialty: Orthopedics Spine Surgery Designation: Principal Director & Head Orthopedics Spine Surgery Experience:

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