Myomectomy Treatment In India

Myomectomy Treatment

The price of a myomectomy for an Indian patient ranges from Rs. 47020 to Rs. 62693. The price for patients from other countries ranges from USD 953 to USD 1165.
The patient must spend one day in the hospital and four days outside of it. The patient’s diagnosis and the facilities they choose will influence the overall cost of the treatment.


The term “myomectomy”

A surgical technique called a myomectomy removes uterine fibroids and reconstructs the uterus.

Who Should Perform a Myomectomy?

A good doctor to visit for a myomectomy is a gynecologist.

Exactly how is the procedure carried out?

The surgeon may use one of three surgical techniques depending on the size, quantity, and location of fibroids:

  • Through numerous tiny abdominal incisions, the surgeon removes fibroids during a laparoscopic or robotic myomectomy.
  • Hysteroscopic myomectomy is the procedure the surgeon uses to treat submucosal fibroids, which are smaller fibroids. Instruments are put into the uterus through the vagina and cervix to access and remove the fibroids.
  • An open abdominal incision is made by the surgeon during an abdominal myomectomy in order to reach the uterus and remove fibroids.

What is covered by a myomectomy’s price?

Myomectomy costs include the following:

  1. Cost of preoperative diagnostic procedures (CBC, MRI, and ultrasound)
  2. Surgery bill
  3. Surgical procedures that can be performed include abdominal myomectomy, laparoscopic myomectomy, robotic myomectomy, and hysteroscopic myomectomy.
  4. Cost following surgery (based on the quantity of follow-up appointments)
  5. Cost of medications (painkillers, anti-inflammatory drugs, etc.)
  6. Hospitalization of the patient

What elements affect the price of a myomectomy?

The patient’s condition and preferences have an impact on the procedure’s ultimate cost. Some of these elements include:

  1. Choosing a general, twin-sharing, or single-room hospital and room
  2. The extent of the illness
  3. If there is a post-operative problem, it could include bleeding, uterine injury, or the development of scar tissue (adhesions) there.
  4. The price of blood products, if applicable
  5. The patient’s age
  6. A protracted hospital stay
  7. Expense for lodging during follow-up visits if the patient is not a local

Myomectomy Treatment

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