Lung Cancer Treatment In India

Lung Cancer Treatment In India

Lung cancer is one of the leading causes of cancer-related mortality in the modern world. Lung cancer can be prevented in many cases. Precancerous changes in lung tissue can be brought on by carcinogens like cigarette smoke. However, the onset of cancer frequently takes years. It is typically effectively treatable if diagnosed early. There are two types of lung tumors: benign and malignant (which spread to other body parts).

Surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy are the main methods used to treat lung cancer in India. The more recent treatment modalities are immunotherapy and targeted therapy.

The entire cost of lung cancer therapy in India is significantly influenced by the method of treatment chosen as well as the technology employed. The cost of lung cancer treatment in India is significantly influenced by the hospital’s standard of care and the doctor’s level of training. Fortunately, the cost of lung cancer treatment in India is modest, which reduces your out-of-pocket expenses.

Lung Cancer: What Is It?

A person’s lungs can develop abnormal or uncontrolled tissue growth, which is referred to as lung cancer. Numerous things, including excessive smoking, radiation exposure, pollution, inhaling fine particles, and other cancer-causing substances, can cause lung cancer.

The lymph nodes or other body organs, such the brain, can get infected with lung cancer after it has spread from the lungs. It’s also possible for cancer from other organs to spread to the lungs. The term “metastases” refers to the spread of cancerous cells from one organ to another. There are two basic forms of lung cancer that can be recognized based on how the disease seems to look under a microscope:

Only 20% of cases of lung cancer are caused by small cell carcinoma. This cancer typically develops in one of the breathing tubes and spreads rapidly. As a tumor grows larger, a diagnosis is more likely.
Nearly 80% of lung cancers are caused by non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). It involves numerous related forms of lung cancer. These generally include big cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and adenocarcinoma.
There are different kinds of NSCLC. The majority of NSCL types respond well to treatment when detected early.

  • lung cancer with squamous cells
  • Adenocarcinoma
  • Adenocytic carcinoma
  • Cancer of the Large Cell
  • The term “mixed small cell/large cell cancer” refers to a person who has both forms of lung cancer.
  • Metastatic lung cancer is the term used to describe cancer that has moved from other regions of the body to the lungs.

What are Lung Cancer’s Signs and Symptoms?

Weight loss, wheezing, chest pain, and a cough (often with blood) are some of the early indications of lung cancer. These symptoms should not be disregarded, and you should seek medical attention right away.

You may also need a diagnosis if you have any of the following medical conditions:

  • Tired or weary
  • Unexpected decrease of weight
  • Breathlessness
  • coughing out blood or phlegm that is rust-colored
  • recurring cough that grows worse
  • reduced appetite
  • Hoarseness
  • ongoing infections
  • Bronchitis
  • Pneumonia
  • Wheezing
  • when laughing or coughing, chest pain
  • The paraneoplastic syndrome, a group of symptoms brought on by a hormone-like chemical occasionally secreted by lung cancer tumors, can also bring on a variety of symptoms. These indicators include:
  • nausea and diarrhoea
  • elevated blood pressure
  • elevated blood sugar
  • Fluency Seizures
    Make an appointment with your doctor if any persistent symptoms or signs worry you. If you have tried to stop smoking but have been unsuccessful, make an appointment with your doctor. Your doctor may advise using counseling, medicines, and nicotine replacement products among other quit-smoking aids.

What Causes Lung Cancer?

  • Smoking tobacco is the cause of roughly 80% of lung cancer deaths.Smoking is the main risk factor for lung cancer, which is made worse by other variables. Other contributing elements are:
  • Asbestos contamination
  • Exposure to substances known to cause cancer, including mustard gas, uranium, radon gas, etc.
  • Familial lung cancer history
  • Drinking water has a significant quantity of arsenic.
  • Pollutants in the air are inhaled.
    Here are a few of the causes of lung cancer. These include:
  • Smoking
  • Hand-to-mouth smoking
  • The presence of radon
  • Exposure to dangerous substances such as asbestos, diesel exhaust, and others
  • Familial lung cancer history
  • The history of radiation treatment for the chest

Lung cancer diagnosis

The initial stages in determining whether you have lung cancer are a medical examination and a discussion with your doctor. They’ll want to look through your medical background and any present symptoms you might be having. Tests are additionally required to validate the diagnosis. These might include:

Imaging Tests: An aberrant mass can be observed on X-ray, MRI, CT, and PET scans. These scans provide better details and find more subtle lesions.
Sputum cytology: If phlegm is coughed up, a microscopic examination may show the presence of cancer cells.

Bronchoscopy: While you are unconscious, a lit tube is put into your lungs to allow for a closer examination of the lung tissue.


Additionally, a biopsy might be carried out. In a biopsy, a tiny sample of lung tissue is removed and afterwards inspected under a microscope. Whether or not tumor cells are cancerous can be determined through a biopsy. You can do a biopsy using one of the following methods:

Mediastinoscopy: To perform a mediastinoscopy, your doctor creates a neck incision. Surgical tools and a light-filled instrument are used to remove samples from lymph nodes. It usually happens in a hospital under general anesthesia.

Lung needle biopsy: Your doctor will puncture the chest wall and then insert a needle into the questionable lung tissue during this surgery. A needle biopsy can also be used to check lymph nodes. In a hospital, where the procedure is typically done, you will be given a sedative to put you to sleep.
If the findings of the biopsy reveal that you have cancer, you might need additional testing, like a bone scan, to ascertain whether the illness has spread and to help with staging.

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