Liver Transplant in India

The cost of a liver transplant in India ranges from $25500 to $33236. Indian liver transplant institutions provide high-quality care at reasonable prices compared to other countries. A major procedure like a liver transplant necessitates the utilization of cutting-edge equipment, medications, and supplies, as well as a highly skilled medical team.

What exactly is a liver transplant?

An operation known as a liver transplant involves the removal of a failing liver and its replacement with a healthy liver from a donor. Patients who experience issues after having end-stage chronic liver disease may benefit from liver transplantation. In the unlikely case that a healthy liver unexpectedly fails, a liver transplant may also be a therapy option. The number of patients in need of liver transplants greatly outweighs the number of deceased donors who are willing to donate. The live donor liver transplant is an alternative to waiting for a deceased donor liver to become available. The human liver develops and returns to normal size quickly when a little amount is removed, making living donor liver transplantation viable.  

How does the liver function?

The liver weighs about 1500g and is situated on the right side of the belly. The right and left lobes are the two main sections that make up the liver. The pancreas, intestines, and gallbladder are all situated beneath the liver. Together, the liver and these organs process, digest, and absorb food.The liver, the largest internal organ in the body, serves a number of vital purposes, including
  • infection prevention
  • cleansing the blood of poisons and bacteria
  • regulating immunological reactions
  • processing of food, drugs, and hormones
  • producing proteins that aid in blood clotting creating bile, a substance that aids in the body’s absorption of lipids, including cholesterol and fat-soluble vitamins. preserving nutrients, fats, carbohydrates, and vitamins for utilisation by the body

What makes you think you’d need a liver transplant?

The following conditions may necessitate a liver transplant in patients:
  • Alcoholic cirrhosis is a liver disease brought on by alcoholism.
  • liver malignancies such as hepatocellular carcinoma, hepatoblastoma, and hepatic cholangiocarcinoma
  • primary cirrhosis of the liver
  • Hepatitis B or C infection that is active and has been active for a long period.
  • the hepatic liver Vascular thrombosis
  • Biliary atresia, or birth abnormalities of the liver or bile ducts
  • hepatic failure-related metabolic diseases, such as Wilson’s disease

Who makes an excellent liver donor?

  • Because they match, biological siblings are typically the finest living donors.
  • have the same blood type.
  • The donor should be in sound physical and mental condition.
  • The donor must be at least 18 years old and under 50.
  • The donor must not be overweight or have fatty liver.
Liver Transplant in India

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Dr. Puneet Girdhar

Dr. Puneet Girdhar Specialty: Orthopedics Spine Surgery Designation: Principal Director & Head Orthopedics Spine Surgery Experience:

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