What is removal of gallstones?

Gallstone removal entails removing gallstones from the common bile duct or gallbladder.

Who can gain from the removal of gallstones?

Gallstones can develop for a number of reasons, including an imbalance in the bile’s chemical composition, obesity, diabetes, Crohn’s disease, and an accumulation of cholesterol in the bile inside the gallbladder. Gallstone size can vary greatly, from hardly perceptible to the size of a golf ball.


There are two surgical methods for removing gallstones, both of which call for the total removal of the gallbladder.

  • Laparoscopic cholecystectomy — This procedure removes the gallbladder through the abdomen. A laparoscope, a thin tube with a camera attached, is used to perform the procedure and allow the surgeon to look inside the abdomen through a few small incisions (often four) made in the abdomen. One of the incisions is used to separate the gallbladder from the remainder of the abdomen and remove it. This method of gallbladder removal leads to quicker recovery and fewer complications because it does not involve abdominal muscle incisions. There are times when this kind of gallbladder removal is done through the belly button, leaving less scars and incisions.
  • Few individuals have open cholecystectomy procedures because they require extensive abdominal surgery through a wide incision (about 4-6 inches long) made immediately below the ribs in the abdomen. When performing gallbladder removal with a laparoscope is challenging (for instance, in obese individuals or those who may have had prior abdominal surgery resulting in extensive scar tissue), surgeons may choose to do this technique. Through the incision, the gallbladder and any gallstones that may have entered the bile ducts are removed. The wound is then stitched up


Recuperation time

Depending on the treatment used, the recovery time for gallstones and ultimately gallbladder removal will vary. While those who have a laparoscopic cholecystectomy can typically resume normal activities after one week (avoiding heavy exercise for several weeks), those who have an open cholecystectomy may need to take up to six weeks off of work.


Risks of gallbladder removal vary depending on the procedure used, but can include wound infection, blood clotting, harm to other organs, discomfort, bleeding, bloating, diarrhea, numbness, bleeding, and breathing issues.



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