Forehead Brow Lift Surgery

Forehead / Brow Lift Surgery
A forehead lift, also referred to as a browlift or browplasty, is a cosmetic surgery procedure used to raise a drooping eyebrow that could impair vision and/or to remove the deep “worry” lines that run across the forehead and might give the wrong impression to others by making them appear angry, stern, hostile, tired, or other unintended emotions.


Patients between the ages of 40 and 60 who are conscious of frown lines or wrinkles and sagging upper eyelids, which can give the illusion of an older, tired face, typically undergo forehead/brow lift surgery.

Patients over 65 with heavy sagging eyebrows and the deepest forehead creases can consider a mid-forehead lift.


Open and endoscopic procedures are most frequently employed in forehead/brow lift surgery. Both treatments can last up to two hours and include putting the patient under a general or local anesthesia.

Open forehead/brow lift surgery – An incision will be made along the hairline or within a crease on the forehead during this type of forehead/brow lift surgery.
Endoscopic forehead/brow lift – An endoscopic forehead/brow lift is a procedure that involves making a number of tiny incisions into the scalp, directly beneath the hairline. Before removing any tissue or extra skin, the surgeon inserts a “endoscope”—a metal tube with a camera attached—so they may watch the process on a TV.
Both open and endoscopic forehead/brow lift procedures involve the removal of fatty tissue, perhaps some forehead muscles, tightening of the remaining muscles, and removal of extra skin. Finally, the remaining skin is pushed down to create a flat surface before the brows are raised and secured into position. The incision is subsequently stitched or stapled shut. The forehead or brow can also be lifted surgically utilizing threadlift or suture methods, in which tiny ‘teeth’ are inserted into the threads or sutures through a tiny opening in the forehead. The ‘lift’ is then created by pulling the threads up, and stitches are used to close the incision.

Recuperation time

After having a forehead/brow lift surgery, you will need to spend the night in the hospital and may need to take up to 10 days off of work. Swelling and bruising are to be anticipated, but they will go away. After the operation, the staples or stitches will be removed anywhere from 5 to 10 days later. You should wait a few weeks before engaging in any strenuous exercise.


When a forehead lift is carried out by a surgeon skilled in the procedure, complications are claimed to be infrequent and small. The surgical procedure, however, has the potential to harm the nerves that regulate brow and forehead movements. When a cut is made at the hairline, hair loss can also happen along the scar borders in the scalp. Furthermore, any surgical operation has the risk of infection and bleeding.

Patients who receive Endotine implants in their foreheads run the danger of shifting the newly repositioned tissues rather quickly after the procedure and before full healing has occurred. The Endotine normally does not support the extremely thick forehead flesh and heavy brows that are frequently seen in some overweight males, even when the implant absorbs into the body.

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Dr. Puneet Girdhar

Dr. Puneet Girdhar Specialty: Orthopedics Spine Surgery Designation: Principal Director & Head Orthopedics Spine Surgery Experience:

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