Enlarged Prostate Surgery In India


The Various Procedures for Surgery on an Enlarged Prostate Include:

  • Prostate Photoselective Vaporization (PVP): With the use of a laser, the extra prostate tissue dissolves and the urinary channel widens.
  • Similar to PVP, the holmium laser ablation of the prostate (HoLAP) operation uses a different kind of laser.
  • Using a laser, the extra tissue obstructing the urethra is removed during holmium laser enucleation of the prostate (HoLEP). The prostate tissue is subsequently divided into manageable-sized pieces for removal. Men with a very enlarged prostate may benefit from HoLEP.

The kind of laser surgery a doctor advises will depend on a number of variables, such as:

  • How big the prostate is
  • The patient’s general health
  • The kind of laser technology that is accessible

Why is Surgery Done for an Enlarged Prostate?

The following benign prostatic hyperplasia urinary symptoms are lessened with enlarged prostate surgery:

  • Urge to urinate frequently and urgently
  • Lengthy urination
  • Having trouble urinating
  • Urinating repeatedly while pausing and resuming again
  • Increased frequency of nighttime urination
  • Infections of the urinary tract
  • Bladder cannot be emptied
  • Prostate growth

What to Expect Before Surgery for an Enlarged Prostate?

Prior to prostate surgery:

  • Either general anesthesia or spinal anesthesia is administered to the patient.
  • If general anesthesia is used, the patient won’t be conscious while the surgery is being done.
  • While the patient will be cognizant throughout spinal anesthesia.
  • The kind of laser and technique employed determine the prostate surgery’s outcomes. Additionally, the
  • Technique chosen by the surgeon affects how much the enlarged prostate surgery will cost.

What to Expect During Surgery for an Enlarged Prostate?


  • The urethra, the tube that conducts urine from the bladder, is accessed by the doctor during surgery to remove an enlarged prostate. The urethra is encircled by the prostate.
  • A laser that has been sent through the scope emits energy that causes the extra tissue obstructing the urine flow to shrink or be removed.
  • The surgeon may also employ various tools to take out or chop sections of prostate tissue from the bladder, depending on the operation.

What to Expect Following Surgery on an Enlarged Prostate?

Due to the edema that prevents urine flow, the patient is most likely to have a urinary catheter in place. The doctor may reinstall the catheter to allow the patient to recover if they are unable to urinate after the tube is taken out, or they may give them catheters that they can insert on their own a few times daily until the swelling subsides and they are able to urinate normally.
Expected Results of Surgery for an Enlarged Prostate
For most men, enlarged prostate surgery improves urine flow. For the patient’s prostate laser surgery cost, results are frequently effective and long-lasting. The need for additional treatment comes when, in certain instances, the laser surgery is unable to completely remove the prostate tissue that is obstructing urine flow or the tissue returns.

What are the Benefits of Surgery for an Enlarged Prostate?

Laser-assisted enlargement of the prostate surgery is almost bloodless. It can be given to people with an enlarged prostate and those taking blood thinners for a co-morbid heart condition. Conventional TURP complications can be greatly diminished.

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Dr. Puneet Girdhar

Dr. Puneet Girdhar Specialty: Orthopedics Spine Surgery Designation: Principal Director & Head Orthopedics Spine Surgery Experience:

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