Doctor Udgeath Dhir

  • Specialty : Cardiac Sciences
  • Fortis Hospital Gurgaon.

About The Doctor

  • Over 7,500 cases have been operated on by Dr. Udgeath over his eleven-year career. He received official training for rheumatic mitral valve repair from Dr. Taweseeak at the Central Chest Institute in Bangkok and more recent training for TAVI. He has ties to the New Delhi-based Escorts Heat Institute & Research Center. His most recent employer was Medanta- The Medicity in Gurgaon, where he served as Senior Consultant-CTVS. Dr. Udgeath Dhir belongs to a number of organizations, including the International Society of Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery (ISMICS), the European Association of Cardio Thoracic Surgeons (EACTS), and the Society of Thoracic Surgeons International (STS). Dr. Dhir has written chapters for textbooks on cardiac surgery and has published papers in the top journals. Dr. Udgeath Dhir won the International Coronary Congress’ Best Paper Presentation award. Dr. Dhir specializes in Minimally Invasive Valvular, Coronary & Congenital Heart Surgery, Heart Failure Surgery, Ventricular Assist Devices & Cardiac Transplant, and Arrthymia Surgery. He performs all types of Adult Cardiac Surgery.



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