Doctor Amite Pankaj Aggarwal

  • Specialty : Orthopaedics
  • Fortis Hospital Gurgaon.
  • Fortis Hospital, Shalimar Bagh

About The Doctor

  • Surgeon Dr. (Prof.) Amite Pankaj Aggarwal is well-known both domestically and abroad. He graduated from India’s top medical school, the All India Institute of Medical Sciences in New Delhi. He has a flawless academic record and 18 years of expertise performing joint replacement surgery. He received his education at the finest institutions both in India and overseas. He has received numerous national and international fellowships and prizes, making him one of the youngest surgeons in the nation to hold the position of professor of orthopedics. He is in demand as a speaker at numerous regional and national conferences, CMEs, and arthroscopy and arthroplasty courses. In order to instruct upcoming orthopedic surgeons, he has been invited to multiple cadaveric courses and has done live arthroscopy and arthroplasty operations at major conferences. He serves on the editorial and reviewer boards of numerous indexed peer-reviewed publications and has executive positions in national and regional professional organizations.Work history: He has performed more than 5,000 joint replacement procedures, including complicated abnormalities and revision surgeries, on the knee, hip, and shoulder. He has extensive knowledge of the use of bulk allografts in difficult revision instances. He advocates for the “Fast-Track” Total knee arthroplasty approach, which allows patients to move around after a few hours. This strategy lessens the likelihood of difficulties. Gyroscopic navigation, a more recent and convenient alternative to conventional navigation, is used by him to enhance surgical precision and produce better, more durable results. Multiligamentous injuries to the knee are treated concurrently, and cartilage restorative treatments are commonly carried out. He also has vast experience in sports-related arthroscopic surgeries of the knee and shoulder.


  • MS (AIIMS), DNB Ortho, MRCS Edinburgh, MNAMS, and MBBS (AIIMS)

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