Doctor Ajit Kumar Banerjee

  • Specialty : Neurosurgery
  • Designation: Visiting Consultant
  • Medanta hospital, gurgaon

About The Doctor

  • A former chief of the Neurosciences Center of AIIMS in New Delhi.
  • Launched VIMHANS, New Delhi, The first private Neurosciences center in India.
  • Indian pioneer in microneurosurgery.
  • In India, Dr. Ajit Kumar Banerjee is renowned for his work in neurosurgery. He is recognized with founding microneurosurgery in India, establishing uniformity in the country’s neurosurgical training and evaluation processes, and helping to foster the growth of other neurosurgical sub-specialties. Among other ground-breaking procedures, he methodically created aneurysm surgery, peripheral nerve surgery, transphenoidal surgery, and surgery for pineal area malignancies.

    When Prof. Banerji joined the All India Institute of Medical Sciences in 1965, he played a key role in creating the department of neurosurgery from scratch. In 1988, he advanced to the position of director of the AIIMS Neurosciences Center, which he held until 1995, when he retired. Because of his contributions and commitment to the profession of neurosurgery, Dr. A. K. Banerji holds the uncommon honour of being named Emeritus Professor at AIIMS, Delhi. After a successful tenure at AIIMS, he founded the country’s first mental health and neurosciences institute in the private sector, VIMHANS (Vidyasagar Institute of Medical Sciences), in New Delhi. Prior to joining Apollo Hospital in 2007 and continuing to serve as an Emeritus Consultant there, Dr. Banerji served as the Director of VIMHANS. The unique honor of having two orations named after him is unique.


  • Christian Medical College, Vellore, M.S. (Neurosurgery), 1964
  • M.S. (Surgery), Lucknow K.G. Medical College, 1961
  • K.G. Medical College in Lucknow, MBBS 1957

Honors & Achievements

  • Emeritus Professor at the AIIMS in New Delhi since March 2007.
  • After Dr. (Prof.) A. K. Banerji, two orations of the India Society of Cerebrovascular Surgery and the Neuro Trauma Society of India are named.

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