Colposcopy surgery in India

Colposcopy surgery


Using a colposcope (microscope), a colposcopy is a close inspection of the cervix and vagina to look for any abnormalities.

Who is eligible for a colposcopy?

A colposcopy may be necessary for women whose cervical smear test findings were abnormal. This kind of technique can spot any anomalies or alterations discovered during the smear that may, but very infrequently, result in cervical cancer.


You will need to recline on a special chair, much like for a smear test, and spread your legs in “stirrups” or supports. Your cervix is smeared with acetic acid using a swab after a speculum is introduced into the vagina. Any aberrant cells turn white when the solution is applied. Iodine is then utilized to detect the presence of aberrant cells by coloring the normal cells black and any irregularities yellow. The colposcope is then used externally to precisely inspect the cervix. A tiny biopsy (tissue sample) may be collected for examination if any anomalies are discovered.


Your doctor will let you know if there are any anomalies and what he or she thinks they might be. You will need to wait for the findings of any biopsies, which could take up to two weeks. After the procedure, you’ll be free to leave the hospital, but you should wait at least a week before using tampons or engaging in sexual activity. During your follow-up appointment, your doctor will go over this with you if more treatment is required.


Following the colposcopy, there is a very minor probability of infection and a slight possibility of significant bleeding. A heavy discharge and/or an unpleasant odor are symptoms. However, if a biopsy was obtained, it is typical to experience some light bleeding and discharge for a few days after the procedure. If you have persistent stomach pain, you should tell your doctor.




Colposcopy surgery

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