Ankle Sprain Treatment In India

Ankle Sprain Treatment

Ankle Sprain: What Is It?

When you twist, turn, or roll your ankles at an unusual angle, you can injure your ankles. This is known as an ankle sprain. A ligament holds the bones of the ankles together, and injury weakens this ligament. Your ankle ligaments would be out of their normal range of motion if you had a sprained ankle because of this movement. Typically, ligaments along the outside of the ankle are torn in sprained ankles.

Over-the-counter medications might be adequate for injuries of a lesser severity. However, it is always advised that you see a doctor for a comprehensive medical evaluation, depending on the severity of the damages that have been sustained. An ankle sprain could result in arthritis in the ankle, chronic discomfort, or other serious injuries if it is not properly treated.



The following are some signs of an ankle sprain:

  • Bruising and swelling
  • Little flexibility in the angles
  • Pain
  • Having trouble putting weight on the damaged foot


An ankle sprain could develop from:

  • Falling from a distance
  • Running and walking on unlevel ground
  • Jumping and turning, then landing at odd angles
  • Sports on unlevel ground and in inappropriate footwear


If you do sports that require you to twist your feet, ankle sprains could be a possibility. Other risk factors include being obese and using uneven terrain while walking or playing.



Here are some suggestions for avoiding ankle sprains:

  • When navigating icy conditions and uneven terrain, use caution.
  • Prepare your body for exercise and play by warming up.
  • Avoid wearing heels.
  • Make sure your feet are properly shod.
  • Put on footwear appropriate for the activity.
  • Keep your muscles flexible and powerful.


Ankle Sprain Treatment

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Dr. Puneet Girdhar

Dr. Puneet Girdhar Specialty: Orthopedics Spine Surgery Designation: Principal Director & Head Orthopedics Spine Surgery Experience:

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