Allergic Rhinitis In India

Allergic Rhinitis In India

Allergic rhinitis: What is it?

One of the most prevalent allergic disorders, allergic rhinitis, also known as hay fever, develops when the nasal cavity is exposed to foreign substances like pollen, dust, etc. When exposed to something that the immune system is allergic to, the person begins to sneeze or gets a running nose. It is also known as a seasonal allergy and is occasionally brought on by smoke and scents, as well as grass, pollen, dust, and dirt in the air. Only when asthma or anaphylaxis occur in addition to allergic rhinitis is it severe or lethal.

Antihistamines, in particular, are prescribed to treat this condition every year and, along with other medications, make up a small portion of over-the-counter medicines.


Symptoms of Allergic Rhinitis

When exposed to allergens, some people hardly ever have symptoms while others might. If symptoms persist for longer than a week, see a doctor. The most typical rhinitis warning signs and symptoms are as follows:

  • Sneezing.
  • The nose, eyes, and ear papilla are itchy.
  • Head pain and congestion.
  • Tears, red eyes, eye swelling, and ear pain.
  • The postnasal drip.
  • Anosmia.
  • Fatigue and somnolence.
  • Malaise.
  • Issues with odor.

Causes of allergic rhinitis

Histamine is a substance that the body releases when it comes into touch with allergens. This substance produces allergic rhinitis and functions as an immune system. Typical causes of allergies include:

  • Pollen.
  • Trees.
  • Grit and dust.
  • Animal threat.
  • Cat spit.
  • Wood dust and animal fur.
  • Mold.

Risks of Allergic Rhinitis

Although allergies can affect anyone, people with a family history are more likely to be affected. The primary risk elements are:

  • Smoke.
  • Cold conditions.
  • Winds and humidity.
  • Hairspray.
  • Pollution.
  • Smoke produced by the burning of trash, wood, and/or crackers.
  • Chemicals and fragrances.

Strategies to avoid allergic rhinitis

The best strategy to manage allergies is to keep them under control by limiting exposure to the triggers of your allergies. The following are suggestions for preventing allergies:

  • When the pollen count is high, stay indoors.
  • Early morning indoor exercise.
  • After returning from outside, take a shower.
  • While outside, cover your mouth and nose.
  • If you have a dust mite allergy, stay away from using carpets in your home.



Allergic Rhinitis In India

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