Acromegaly Treatment In India

Acromegaly Treatment In India

Acromegaly is a hormonal disorder that develops as you get older and your pituitary gland releases too much growth hormone.

Your bones grow in size when your growth hormone levels are excessive. In children, this produces gigantism. However, there is no difference in height as an adult. It is called as “Acromegaly in India” when the size of your bones only increases in your hands, feet, and face.

Untreated excessive growth hormone levels can affect not only your bones but also other parts of your body. Health issues resulting from this could be severe or even fatal. However, Acromegaly Treatment in India may lessen your risk of problems and significantly lessen your symptoms, including expansion of the face.

What is Acromegaly Disease?

Acromegaly is an uncommon but severe medical condition brought on by high quantities of the hormone growth hormone (GH). Tumors on the pituitary gland or in other regions of the body that produce too much GH are the cause of acromegaly.

A tiny endocrine gland about the size of a pea, the pituitary is located beneath the hypothalamus at the base of the brain. One of the eight vital hormones released by your pituitary gland is GH.

Growth hormone, commonly referred to as Human Growth Hormone (hGH) and somatotropin, is a naturally occurring hormone that stimulates children’s growth through acting on numerous body parts. GH no longer increases height once the growth plates (epiphyses) of your bones have joined, but your body still needs it. GH aids in maintaining adequate bone, cartilage, and organ structure and metabolism after you finish growing, including preserving normal blood glucose (sugar) levels.

Adults who have too much GH in their bodies may experience hyperglycemia, irregularly formed bones, and enlarged organs, among other symptoms.

In adults, acromegaly (excess growth hormone) increases the size of bones, cartilage, body organs, and other tissues to rise. Larger hands, feet, ears, lips, and nose, as well as a more pronounced jaw and forehead, are some changes in look.

Insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) is a hormone that is produced in response to growth hormone (GH). The hormone known as IGF-1 affects how your body processes blood sugar (sugar), lipids (fats), and bone and tissue growth. High IGF-1 levels result from high GH levels, and this can induce Type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and heart disease.


What Are Acromegaly’s Symptoms?

Acromegaly affects adult bones and tissues, resulting in uneven bone and tissue growth.

Acromegaly in adults manifests as the following:

  • An abnormally huge set of hands or feet.
  • Alterations to your facial structure, such as a bigger jaw or forehead.
  • Your tongue, lips, and/or nose should all grow in size.
  • Heavy perspiration or greasy skin.
  • Your voice is getting louder and more powerful.


Other indications and symptoms are:

  • Headaches.
  • Pain in the joints.
  • Vision changes.
  • There are now more skin tags than before.
  • You experience hand numbness.
  • Sleeping with an apnea.
  • Spinal cord issues or carpal tunnel syndrome.

Symptoms of acromegaly usually emerge gradually and may be challenging to spot at first. When rings they frequently wear become too tight or their shoe size, particularly the breadth, changes, some people discover that their hands have grown in size.

If you experience any of the aforementioned symptoms, you should see your doctor right once. Acromegaly often progresses gradually. At first, even your family members might not notice the slight physical changes brought on by this ailment. However, an early diagnosis is crucial to enable you to start receiving the right care. Acromegaly can have serious health repercussions if left untreated.


Why Do Some People Get Acromegaly?

A pituitary adenoma is the most frequent cause of acromegaly, which makes your pituitary gland release too much growth hormone (GH).

A little gland called the pituitary is located near the back of your nose bridge, at the base of your brain. Along with a number of other hormones, it is in charge of producing GH. Your ability to control your physical growth depends heavily on GH.

Typically, pituitary adenomas (tumors) are noncancerous (harmless). The majority of adenomas that cause acromegaly grow slowly, and symptoms of too much GH may take years to manifest.

Depending on its size and location, the adenoma may press against other pituitary tissue and interfere with other hormones generated by your pituitary gland. Large adenomas have the potential to press against nearby brain regions, leading to headaches and vision problems.


How is Acromegaly Diagnosis Performed?

Your doctor will do a physical examination and inquire about your medical history. After that, he or she can recommend the following treatments for an acromegaly diagnosis:

  • Levels of IGF-1 Measurement: Your doctor will take a blood sample from you after you’ve fasted for the previous night to determine your blood’s IGF-1 concentration. IGF-1 levels above normal indicate acromegaly.
  • Growth Hormone Suppression Test: This test is the most reliable approach to confirm a diagnosis of acromegaly. In this test, the amount of GH in your blood is measured both before and after you consume a sugar-containing preparation (glucose).
  • In people without acromegaly, the glucose beverage frequently results in a decrease in GH levels. But if you have acromegaly, your GH level won’t go down.
  • Your doctor could advise imaging procedures, such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), to determine the precise position and size of a tumor on your pituitary gland.
  • Your doctor may order additional imaging tests to look for non-pituitary cancers if no pituitary tumors are found.
  • If you have been given an acromegaly diagnosis, your doctor could advise additional testing to determine whether


The condition has affected other areas of your body. These tests include:

  • Cardiovascular issues are diagnosed with an echocardiogram.
  • Sleep apnea is identified via sleep study exams.
  • Your colon’s health is examined during a colonoscopy.
  • To assess bone health, X-rays or a DEXA (DXA) scan might be employed.


How Much Does Acromegaly Therapy Cost in India?

The average cost of treating amegegaly in India is USD 5700. Your hospital stay following pituitary tumor treatment in India is four days, and you stay there for an additional seven days. The success rate of the procedure used for elimination is greater than 95% depending on the size and location of the tumor. The following are some factors that influence how much it costs to treat acromegaly in India:

  • The kind of hospital the patient chose
  • Standard single rooms, deluxe rooms, and super deluxe rooms for the specified number of nights (including room charge, room service, nursing fee, and meals).
  • ICU, operating room
  • The cost of the medical staff
  • Medicines
  • Standard diagnostic and testing techniques


Depending on the available treatments:

  • Radiation therapy and surgery


Acromegaly Treatment In India

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